Many people report that Reiki energy feels like sunshine that flows through and around them.




Many people report that Reiki energy feels like sunshine that flows through and around them. 〰️ 〰️ 〰️

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is a practice that has been around for thousands of years. The Reiki practitioner transfers healing energy into the client by placing their hand over, or lightly on the patient. This healing energy, called Reiki, can do no harm.  It targets energy fields around the body where energy is stagnate. This is most often due to a physical injury or emotional pain.

Many people report that Reiki energy feels like sunshine that flows through and around them. It treats the whole person in mind, body and spirit. The healing energy gets rid of negative energy or blocks in the client’s body so the energy may flow more easily through the body and the body can heal itself.

Reiki is a complementary medicine. Because it helps to balance the clients energy and reduces stress, it is beneficial for everyone who is open to it.  Reiki is so effective that many hospitals are now offering Reiki service to their patients. Professionals in many health care professions, such as nursing, can even receive CEUs for taking Reiki courses. A 2008 USA Today article reported that in 2007, 15% of U.S. hospitals (that’s over 800 hospitals) offered Reiki as a regular part of patient services.

For a detailed description of Reiki hospital programs and research on the effectiveness of Reiki, please go to


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